Ted.aily: Discovering photography pt. 2


I wanted to visualize more than just memories.

My ideal goal revolved around the concept of being able to capture the essence of a person’s passion and emotion through photography, and that alone drew me deeper and deeper. I spent the next year chasing moments with Hipcamp, continuing to practice and fuel my desire to become a better photographer. I learned so much in that year from how to take photos in bright, sunny days, to capturing moving objects while maintaining focus. The more I practiced, the more comfortable I became.

lesson 5: always shoot in manual mode.

My true growth as a photographer came from taking so many terrible photos. From missing the focus of my subjects, countless blurry images, to only capturing two out of five subjects in a frame, I truly messed up a lot. However, the more I messed up, the more I learned about what I needed to adjust. My understanding of light and how to use the available light grew, and of course, my understanding of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed also deepened. Coincidentally, my passion for photography also connected closely with my career in education.

lesson 6: make photography your own.

There were so many times, where I wondered whether I wanted to pursue photography as a full-time career. I saw so many people thriving as photographers, and felt inspired daily to dive in headfirst. I saw all the potential for growth as a creative, and all the opportunities for networking and traveling and couldn’t help but wonder. It was a tempting lifestyle, but while being constantly inspired to grow from a technical and creative standpoint, I knew that my true calling was in education. The stories my students carried daily and the maturation and development of those stories continually inspires me as a creative and as an educator. My desire to capture stories, stems from the variety of stories my students live. Sometimes full of joy, and sometimes sad - I am inspired by their continual efforts to be present.

Even though I often feel as if the art of storytelling has been somewhat lost, I am reminded by the community of people around me that stories are the foundation of culture, and to always find my role in it all, whether it be through photography or teaching.

lesson 7: never stop learning.

The most important lesson I have learned from discovering photography, is that learning never ceases. Whether it is a hobby, passion, career, or anything else - find ways to continue to learn, because learning inspires, and learning creates stories.