Ted.aily: My Goals for 2023

Many years ago, I wrote a letter to myself with reminders of lessons learned and things to recall. In 2023, with so much ‘new’ in my life - I thought it a good time to set some goals for the new year with hopes that documentation will help me reflect and stay accountable in the year to come.

1. Stay Connected & Maintain Healthy Relationships

Part of moving careers was to re-prioritize and better maintain relationships. Do just that…

Text people back (better at least…), contribute to group chats with friends/family, call people or FaceTime people more often, catch up with old friends, travel to see people, grab coffee and meals with people more frequently.

2. Learn More & Reflect More

Starting a new career has been tough - keep learning and reflecting to improve. Learn the trade, ask for feedback, become more efficient and effective. Ask questions~ Earn your PM stripes through hard work and dedication, but don’t be afraid to ask for help and say no.

Outside of work, continue to love learning. Listen to podcasts, read some books, learn a new hobby or trade.

3. Travel

Working remotely gives you flexibility to try new places, explore new cities, visit friends/family. Take advantage of work opportunities to visit clients.

4. Give Back

Remember where you came from - give back time and resources to the places that you hold dear. Invest in your relationships and passions. Support others’ dreams and passions.

5. Physical / Mental Health

Take good care of your physical health, listen to your body. Exercise regularly, continue recreational activities (soccer and golf especially). Get your regular check-ups and utilize your health benefits.

Rest when you need it, have lazy weekends, binge tv, relax. Take breaks from work when you feel stressed. Breathe and drink plenty of water.

6. Cook More

Learn more recipes, hone your knife skills, try new foods - preserve family recipes.

7. Treat Yourself (responsibly…)

You deserve it, spend money on the things you want and splurge a little. Know your financial goals and work towards them, but also know how to reward yourself and those around you for a job well done.

Cheers to the best year yet!~